Artocarpus hirsutus Lam.
Synonym: Artocarpus pubescens Willd.
Local Names:
ആഞ്ഞിലി, അയണി, Wild
Flowering Period : December to March.
Distribution : Southern Western Ghats.
Uses: Edible fruits, Timber yeilding.
Exotic : No
Wild jack are evergreen
tree with bark surface dull grey-brown, smooth, exudation milky white, sticky,
branchlets hirsute. Leaves simple, alternate broadly ovate. Flowers unisexual,
minute, yellowish-green; male in axillary, pendulous, narrowly cylindric;
tepals 2, united below; stamen 1; female flowers in axillary ovoid spikes;
perianth tubular, ovary superior. Fruit a sorosis, globose or ovoid, echinate,
the spines cylindric, straight, hispid.