Santalum album L.
Synonym: Sirium myrtifolium L.
Local Names
: ചന്ദനം,
tree , White sandal tree .
Flowering Period : November to December.
Distribution : Peninsular India and Malesia
Uses: Timber, Soap making, perfume.
Exotic : No
Evergreen trees, bark surface
dark grey to nearly black. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, apex acute,
margin entire. Flowers bisexual, reddish-purple, in axillary and terminal
paniculate cymes. Tepals 5, ovate, thin, fleshy. Stamens 5, alternates with
disc. Ovary superior later half inferior at the time of flowering, 1-celled,
ovules 2-3, pendulous, stigma 3 lobed. Fruit a drupe, globose, blackish-purple;
seed one.
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