Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.
Synonym : Echites scholaris L., Pala scholaris (L.) Roberty.
Local Names : ഏഴിലംപാല, Devil’s tree, Shaitan wood.

Flowering Period : October to February.
Distribution : South and South East Asia to Australia
Uses: Sacred Indian Tree, Timber Yeilding, Cure skin infections.
Exotic : No.

Large trees with surface grey-brown, irregularly cracked having latex milky white. Branchlets whorled. Leaves simple, whorled. Flower bisexual, greenish-white in terminal umbellate cymes. Calyx cupular, lobes 5, ovate. Corolla salver shaped, lobes 5, obovate to orbicular, creamy yellow. Stamens 5, Carpels 2, ovules many; style filiform; stigma obconic. Fruit a pendulous follicular mericarps.

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