Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth.
Synonym: Mimosa dulcis Roxb., Inga dulcis (Roxb.) Willd.
Local Names : കൊടകപ്പുളി, Blackbead, Monkeypod. 

Flowering Period : November to March.
Distribution : Native of Tropical America
Uses:   Drought resistant, Fruit edible, Avenue Tree.
Exotic : Yes.

 Trees with branchlets densely tomentose. Leaves bi-pinnate, alternate; lamina oblong-oblanceolate, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, creamy, heads arranged in axillary or terminal panicled spikes; calyx campanulate, lobes 5; petals 5, connate in the middle; stamens many, monadelphous; ovary superior, ovules many; stigma minute. Fruit a pod, circinate or falcate, moniliform, turgid, dehiscent.

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