Psidium guajava L.
Synonym: Psidium guajava var. Minor Mattos, Psidium pyriferum L.
Local Names : പേരക്ക, Guava , Guajava.

Flowering Period : March to  May.
Distribution : Originally from Tropical America; now naturalised in the tropics
Uses:   Fruit edible, Jam making, antiinflammatory.
Exotic : Yes.

 Small trees; stem smooth with pealing bark. Leaves simple, opposite. Cymes axillary, 1-3-flowered;. Calyx tube, ovoid, densely hirsute; lobes 4. Petals 4, white, broadly ovate, caducous. Stamens many.  Ovary globose, many-celled; ovules numerous.  Berry, globose crowned by persistent calyx lobes; seeds many, embedded in fleshy pulp.

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