Mangifera indica L.
Synonym: Mangifera austroyunnanensis Hu.
Local Names
: മാവ്, Mango tree, Cuckoo's joy.
Flowering Period : January to May.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia
Uses: Fruits edible, young leaves edible, Aphrodisiac, oil yielding, Timber yielding.
Exotic : No.
Evergreen trees, bark dark grey, rough with vertical fissures. Leaves
simple, alternate, clustered at the tips of branchlets, linear-oblong, margin entire.
Flowers polygamous, yellowish-green, in terminal panicles. Calyx 4-5, ovate,
imbricate. Petals 4-5, oblong, free or adnate to the disc. Stamens 4-5,
inserted on the disc, fertile stamens 1 or 2. Ovary sessile, superior,
1-celled, ovule pendulous. Fruit a drupe, yellowish-red, mesocarp fleshy,
endocarp fibrous
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