Manilkara zapota (L.)
P. Royen
Synonym: Achras zapota L.,
Sapota achras Mill.
Local Names
: സപ്പോട്ട,
, Naseberry , Sapota.
Flowering Period : February to June.
Distribution : Native of South America
Uses: Fruit edible, Antioxidant.
Exotic : Yes.
having exudation milky white latex. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral, clustered
towards the apex of branchlets; lamina elliptic, margin entire. Flowers
bisexual, white, solitary or in pairs from the axils of upper leaves; sepals 6,
3+3; corolla, campanulate, greenish-white or cream; lobes 6; stamens 6; ovary
superior, many celled, ovules many. Fruit a berry.