Nerium oleander L.
Synonym: Nerium indicum Mill., Nerium odorum Soland..
Local Names : അരളി, Oleander, Indian oleander, Rose bay.

Flowering Period : November to May.
Distribution : From Mediterranean through Persia
Uses:   Ornamental, cure kidney problems, toxic, skin infection, antiinflammatory.
Exotic : Yes.

 An erect evergreen shrub. Leaves linear-lanceolate, tapering at both ends. Flowers white, pink or dark red, single or double in cultivated, form, fragrant. Calyx, divided into 5 linear, acute lobes,. Corolla tube, hairy within, ending in five twisted petals. Stamen included. Ovary with two distinct carpels, style filiform, thickened upward; stigma two lobed.

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