Diospyros buxifolia (Blume) Hiern.
Synonym: Leucoxylum buxifolium Blume, Diospyros microphylla Bedd.
Local Names : എലിച്ചുഴി.

Flowering Period : March to May.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia
Uses: Timber yielding.
Exotic : No.

Trees, bark  blackish-grey, mottled with white. Leaves simple, alternate, bifarious, elliptic-ovate. Flowers unisexual, white. Male flowers: 1-4 together in subsessile small axillary cymes; calyx densely fulvous-hairy outside; lobes 4; corolla campanulate; lobes 4, orbicular; stamens 16, in pairs, united by their filaments at base; anthers ovate. Female flowers: solitary, subsessile; calyx and corolla as in males; ovary superior, ovoid 4-celled, ovule 1 in each cell. Fruit a berry.

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