Phyllanthus myrtifolius (Wight) Müll.Arg.
Synonym: Diasperus myrtifolius (Wight) Kuntze, Macraea myrtifolia Wight
Local Names : Ceylon Myrtle, Mousetail Plant.

Flowering Period : November to March.
Distribution : Native of Sri Lanka 
Uses:   Ornamental, Hedge plant.
Exotic : Yes.

Shrubs having stem irregularly branched. Leaves distichous, elliptic-oblanceolate. Flowers monoecious, pendulous, arising from suppressed branchlets which are axillary. Male flowers in fascicles; perianth 6, dark pink, oblong. Ovary globose, style 2-lobed, reflexed. Fruits depressed globose.

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