Kleinhovia hospita L.
Synonym: No
synonyms are recorded for this name.
Local Names
: Guest Tree.
Flowering Period : March to September.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia and Tropical Africa
Uses: Ornamental, Skin infection cure.
Exotic : Yes
trees. Leaves broadly ovate or suborbicular, cordate at base, entire at margin,
acuminate at apex. Flowers in large terminal panicles. Sepals 5,
linear-lanceolate. Petals 5, unequal, shorter than sepals, rosy. Staminal tube
adnate to gynophore with a 5-fid cup at top, each segment with 3 anthers;
staminodes 5. Ovary 5-loculed; style slender. Capsules pyriform, inflated,
membranous, loculicidal.
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