Pisonia grandis R. Br.
Synonym: Pisonia alba Span., Pisonia morindifolia R.Br. ex Wight
Local Names : മരച്ചീര, Grand Devil’s-Claw, Cabbage Tree.

Flowering Period : Not specified.
Distribution : Andamans and Malay islands
Uses:   Ornamental, Young leaves edible.
Exotic : Yes.

 Evergreen tree with irregular crown; usually growing upto 14m tall. The bole is normally 30-50cm. Flower: perianth funnel-shaped marked by five rows of black glands; stamens about 6-10, slightly exerted. Ovary glabrous, unequal-sided, seated on a stalk; stigma fimbriate. Fruits elongated to club-shaped, 5-ribbed, each rib bearing a row of sticky prickles. Fruit resembles the head of a mace. Fruit outer surface is hairy.

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