Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers.
Synonym: Munchausia speciosa L., Adambea glabra Lam., Lagerstroemia reginae Roxb.
Local Names : പൂമരുത്, Pride of India, Queen of Flowers.

Flowering Period : March to November.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia 
Uses:   Ornamental, Avenue tree, Timber yielding.
Exotic : Yes

Deciduous trees with bark yellowish-brown, smooth. Leaves simple, opposite, oblong, ovate-lanceolate, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, mauve or pink, in terminal panicles; inflorescence branches puberulous. Calyx tube hemispherical; lobes 6, triangular. Petals 6, obovate, clawed, margins crispate. Stamens many, inserted near the base of the calyx tube. Ovary half inferior, sessile, ovules many; style curved; stigma capitate. Fruit is a capsule, ovoid, brown, woody, dehiscent; seeds, winged, pale brown.

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