Roystonea regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook
Synonym: Oreodoxa regia Kunth, Roystonea regia var. Hondurensis P.H. Allen
Local Names
: Bottle palm, Royal palm.
Flowering Period : Throughout the year.
Distribution : Native of Central and South America.
Uses: Ornamental, Avenue tree, Hedgre plant.
Exotic : Yes.
palm; stem columnar, commonly bulging at middle and at base, outer surface
smooth, dull grey in colour. Leaves spreading to all directions, leaflets
arranged in 4 ranks. Inflorescence infrafoliar, enclosed in a tubular bract in
the younger stages. Flower branches straight, slightly swollen at base, once or
twice branched. Fruit globose, brown to dark purple when ripe.
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