Mimusops elengi L.
Synonym: Manilkara parvifolia (R. Br.) Dubard, Mimusops javensis Burck.
Local Names
: ഇലഞ്ഞി, Bullet
wood, Spanish cherry, West India medlar.
Flowering Period : December to August.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia
Uses: Sacred Indian Tree, Used to cure Tooth problems, Antihelminthic.
Exotic : No.
trees, bark dark grey, cracked or fissured longitudinally. Leaves simple,
alternate, spiral, elliptic-oblong, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, white,
fragrant, 1-3 in axillary fascicles. Calyx lobes 8 in 2 series of 4 each,
valvate. Corolla; lobes 24, 3 series of 8 each. Stamens 8, alternating with
pilose staminodes. Ovary, 6-8-celled; 1 ovule in each cell. Fruit a berry,
yellow, ovoid.
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