Borassus flabellifer L.
Synonym: Borassus flabelliformis L., Thrinax tunicate (Lour.) Rollisson.
Local Names: കരിമ്പന, Sugar Palm, Toddy Palm.

Flowering Period : March to September.
Distribution : Native of Africa
Uses: Toddy Making.
Exotic : Yes.

Trees with stem obscurely hoped and Leaves simple, palmate; leaflets, split. Spadices interfoliar, large, dioecious. Male flowers are small, clustered; Sepals are oblong. Petals are obovate. Stamens 6. Female flowers are large, globose. Perianth fleshy. Sepals imbricate. Petals are smaller, convolute. Ovary globose. Ovules basal. Stigmas 3, sessile, recurved. Fruit is a Drupe, yellow black when ripe.

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