Elaeis guineensis Jacq.
Synonym:  Elaeis madagascariensis Becc., Palma oleosa Mill.
Local Names : എണ്ണപ്പന, Oil Palm , African oil palm.

Flowering Period : Throughout the year.
Distribution : West and Central Africa
Uses: Oil yielding.
Exotic : Yes.

Oil palm is a Solitary, robust, palm; stem reaches up to 10 m in height.. Leaves pinnate, steeply arching, with numerous pairs of linear leaflets arranged in 4 ranks; basal leaflets reduced to spines. Inflorescence interfoliar; male and female inflorescences are separate; male flowers arranged in cylindrical branches; female inflorescences are robust, partially hidden in leaf bases. Ripe fruits deep purple in colour, slightly angular due to compression.

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