Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Backer ex Heyne
Synonym: Inga pterocarpa DC., Poinciana
roxburghii G. Don, Peltophorum ferrugineum Benth.
Local Names
: ചാരകൊന്ന,
pod tree, Yellow Flame Tree.
Flowering Period : Throughout the year.
Distribution : Native of Sri Lanka, Andamans, Malaya .
Uses: Ornamental.
Exotic : Yes.
. Trees with young parts brown tomentulose. Leaves bipinnate, alternate,
stipulate, pulvinate; pinnae 10-12 pairs, opposite, margin entire. Flowers
bisexual, golden yellow, in terminal or lateral racemose panicles; calyx lobes
5, ovate; petals 5, subequal, crinkled; stamens 10, filaments free; ovary half
inferior; stigma peltate. Fruit a pod, samaroid, oblong-elliptic
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