Ficus benghalensis L. var. benghalensis Hook. f.
Synonym:  Urostigma bengalense (L.) Gasp.
Local Names : പേരാൽ, Benyan tree.

Flowering Period : May to August.
Distribution : Indian subcontinent
Uses: Sacred Indian Tree, Fruits edible, Ayurvedic, Teeth Problem cure,  Bonsai.
Exotic : No.

 Spreading trees; aerial roots numerous from the branches. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral. Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia; flowers of 4 kinds; male flowers dispersed with female; tepals 2-3 , brownish, glabrous; stamens 1; female flowers sesile; tepals 3-4, shortly connate, brownish, ovary superior ; style erect or curved; gall flowers similar to female but pedicellate. Syconium - ripening orange to red.

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