Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Muell.
Synonym: Osyris peltata Roxb.,
Mappa peltata (Roxb.) Wight, Macaranga roxburghii Wight, Macaranga
tomentosa Wight.
Local Names
: വട്ട
Flowering Period : January to February
Distribution : India, Sri Lanka and Andamans
Uses: Ayurvedic.
Exotic : No
trees; bark greyish-brown mottled with white, smooth. Leaves simple, alternate,
ovate, apex acute, base peltate, margin entire. Flowers unisexual, greenish-yellow.
Male flowers: in axillary panicles; tepals 3, minute, obovate; stamens 2-8.
Female flowers: in panicles; tepals 4; ovary superior, ovule one in each cell;
style lateral; stigma sessile. Frit a capsule, globose.