Anacardium occidentale L.
Synonym: Acajuba occidentalis(L.) Gaertn.

Local Names: കശുമാവ്, Cashew Nut Tree.
Flowering Period : November to April.
Distribution : Native of South America; now widely cultivated in Asia and Africa.
Uses: Edible fruits.
Exotic : Yes.

Gregarious evergreen trees, bark pale grey to brown, smooth. Leaves simple, alternate, obovate; apex obtuse, round or retuse, margin entire,. Flowers polygamous, yellow, streaked with pink, in terminal prominently bracteate panicles. Calyx 5-partite, imbricate, deciduous. Petals 5, imbricate;. Stamens 8-10, one usually longer than others;. Ovary superior, 1-celled, ovule 1; stigma minute. Fruit a reniform nut, a pseudocarp.
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