Jasminum sambac (L.)
Synonym: Nyctanthes
sambac L.
Local Names
: കുടമുല്ല, Arabian jasmine, Mogori Sambac.
Flowering Period : THroughout the Year.
Distribution : Sri Lanka through India to Myanmar
Uses: Ornamental, Essential oil, Aphrodisiac, Perfume.
Exotic : No.
or suberect shrub. Leaves opposite or in whorls of three, entire, elliptic,
glabrous, shining above; nerves prominent beneath. Flowers fragrant, in
few-flowered terminal cymes; bracts linear. Calyx teeth 5-9, V-shaped,
pubescent. Corolla white, simple or double, lobes 5-9, oblong. Berry simple,
black when ripe, surrounded by the suberect subulate calyx teeth.