Aporosa cardiosperma (Gaertn.)
Synonym: Croton
cardiospermus Gaertn., Aporosa lindleyana (Wight) Baill.
Local Names:
വെട്ടി, വെട്ടിപ്പഴം, Lindley's
Flowering Period : December to June
Distribution : Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
Uses: Fruit edible, Ayurvedic.
Exotic : Yes.
trees with greyish-brown bark having shallow vertical striations. Leaves are
simple, attenuate, bifarious, elliptic-oblong and margin entire, glabrous. Male
flowers: yellow, solitary or clustered in axillary spikes. Tepals 4, ovate,
stamens 2-3, from the centre of the flower; filaments free; anthers didymous. Female flowers: pale green, 3-8
together, in densely tomentose small racemes; tepals 4, larger than males;
ovary superior, flask-shaped 2-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; stigmas 2, small,
Fruit a capsule, globose and yellow.