Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Synonym: Theobroma guazuma L., Guazuma tomentosa HBK, Nov.
Local Names : രുദ്രാക്ഷം,
Bastard Cedar, Honey
fruit tree, Musket tree.
Flowering Period : February to September.
Distribution : Native of Tropical America
Uses: Fodder, Fire wood, Antidiarrheal, Kidney problem cure
Exotic : Yes.
or medium sized tree. Leaves lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate, obliquely
cordate at base, serrulate at margin, acuminate at apex, stellate-pubescent on both surfaces. Cymes
axillary and terminal. Sepals 3-5, connate, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate,
subequal, tomentose outside. Petals obovate, concave with 2 apical appendages.
Staminodes are petaloid. Ovary globose, stellate-tomentose. Capsules
subglobose, woody, tubercled.
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