Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Barneby
Synonym: Cassia siamea Lam., Cassia florida Vahl
Local Names
: മഞ്ഞക്കൊന്ന, Ironwood tree , Siamese senna.
Flowering Period : October to March
Distribution : Native of South East Asia; now widely cultivated
Uses: Ornamental.
Exotic : Yes.
Leaves paripinnate, alternate, pulvinate; leaflets opposite, estipellate; lamina oblong,
elliptic-oblong, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, yellow, in terminal or
axillary corymbose recemose panicles; sepals 5, greenish-yellow; petals 5,
ovate-elliptic; stamens 10,upper 3 staminodes small; ovary half inferior,
sessile, ovules many. Fruit a pod, long stipitate, strap-shaped, compressed
woody with thick sutures.