Bauhinia variegata L.
Synonym : Bauhinia chinensis (DC.) Vogel., Phanera
variegata L.
Local Names:
ചുവന്ന മന്താരം, Mountain Orchid Tree, Mountain
Flowering Period : September to May.
Distribution : Possibly native of China; wild in the sub Himalayan and India
Uses: Ornamental, Timber Yielding.
Exotic : Yes.
variegata have dark brown bark. Leaf lamina is broader than long, witha medium cleft. Inflorescence
is a pubescent raceme. Calyx tomentose, 5 toothed at the apex. Petals 5, with
long rather broad claw, 4 petals pale purple and fifth darker with purple
veins. Stamens 5, fertile, no staminodes. Ovary hairy; style long, stigma capitates.
Fruit is a 10-15 seeded dehiscent pod.