Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem.
Synonym:  Ficus elastica var. rubra L., Ficus krishnae C.DC.
Local Names : Assam rubber, Indian rubber tree.

Flowering Period : February to May
Distribution : Malaysia
Uses:  Latex, Ornamental.
Exotic : Yes.

 A large evergreen, spreading branches without prop roots. Leaves; lamina thick, glossy above, oblong, margins entire. Hypanthodia sessile, in extra axillary pairs below the leaves, pale-greenish. Male flowers: pedicellate, dispersed in the interior of receptacle; sepals 3- 4, ovate. Female flowers: sessile; sepals 4, free, ovary smooth with subterminal style. Figs ovoid-oblong, pale to yellowish brown.

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