Jasminum grandiflorum L.
Synonym: Jasminum officinale f. Grandiflorum (L.) Kobuski.
Local Names : പിച്ചകം, Spanish jasmine, Common jasmine.

Flowering Period : Throughout the year.
Distribution : Subtropical North West Himalayas
Uses: Ornamental, Aphrodisiac, Essential Oil, Perfumes.
Exotic : Yes.

 Large Shrub. Leaves opposite, petiolate; petiole and midrib margined; leaflets glabrous, dark green, the upper pair with a broad flat base. Flowers fragrant, in lax axillary or terminal cymes, the stalks of later flowers exceeding the first or central ones. Calyx teeth 5, linear. Corolla white, sometimes tinged with red outside, lobes 5, oblong, shorter than the tube, involute at the margins.

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