Briedelia retusa (L.) A. Juss.
Synonym: Clutia retusa L., Briedelia spinosa (Roxb.) Willd.
Local Names : മുള്ളുവേങ്ങ (Mulluvenga).

Flowering Period : August to Spetember.
Distribution : Indo-Malaya
Uses: Ayurvedic, Drought Tolerant.
Exotic : No.

Deciduous trees, bark greyish-brown; young trees armed with sharp thorns. Leaves simple, alternate, broadly elliptic, oblong, base round, margin entire, bright green and glabrous. Flowers unisexual; greenish-yellow, sessile, crowded in dense axillary or terminal. Male flowers: tepals 10, biseriate, valvate; stamens 5, monadelphous, anthers oblong; pistillode bifurcate; disc annular. Female flowers: tepals 10, biseriate, lanceolate, valvate;  ovary half inferior, globose, 2-locular, ovules 2 in each cell; styles 2. Fruit a drupe, purplish-black.

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