Holigarna arnottiana Hook. f.
Synonym: Catutsjeron arnottianum(Hook.f.) Kuntze., Mangifera racemosa Lam.
Local Names : ചേര് (Cheru), കാട്ടുചേര്.

Flowering Period : January to July.
Distribution : Southern Western Ghats
Uses:  Anticancer, antiobesity, anti rheumatism,  antiinflammatory,  ayurvedic.
Exotic : No.

Evergreen trees, bole buttressed; bark pale brown, rough; exudation milky. Leaves simple, alternate, crowded at the tips of branchlets,  apex obtusely acute, base cuneate or attenuate, margin entire, glabrous. Flowers polygamous, yellowish-brown , in axillary panicles, tomentum of inflorescence pale golden brown. Calyx cupular, 5-fid. Petals 5, valvate. Stamens 5, inserted outside the disc; anthers red, versatile. Ovary inferior, 1-celled, ovule pendulous; styles 3, stigmas capitate. Fruit a drupe. 

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