Ficus religiosa L.
Synonym: Urostigma religiosum (L.) Gasp., Ficus peepul Griff.
Local Names : അരയാൽ, Peepal tree, Sacred fig, Bodhivriksham.

Flowering Period : November to February.
Distribution : East Himalayas; planted and naturalised in India and neighbouring countries
Uses: Sacred Indian tree, Antidiarrheal, Ayurvedic, Antibacterial, Bonsai. 
Exotic : Yes.

Deciduous trees; aerial roots absent. Leaves simple, alternate , margin entire,lateral nerves looped near the margin. Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia; flowers of 4 kinds; male flowers ostiolar, tepals 2, ovate, free, reddish; stamen ; female flowers sessile; tepals 3-4, linear, brownish, ovary superior; gall flowers similar to female. Syconium when ripening pink, purple or black.

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