Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev.
Synonym: Convallaria fruticosa L., Asparagus terminalis L., Dracaena terminalis (L.) Jacq., Cordyline terminalis Kunth..
Local Names :  Ti Plant, Good Luck Plant.

Flowering Period : March to April.
Distribution : Tropical South East Asia, Australia and Pacific Island.
Uses: Ornamental.
Exotic : Yes.

Unbranched slender shrub; leaf-scars prominent towards apex. Leaves crowded at apex, purplish; petiole base widened into sheath. Panicle, well branched; stalk 15 cm. Flowers bisexual, subsessile; bracts ovate. Perianth  tubular below; lobes 3+3, reddish, reflexed. Stamens 6, inserted on the tube. Ovary superior.  Berry subglobose; seeds numerous, black.

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