Chrysophyllum cainito L.
Synonym: Cainito pomiferum Tussac, Chrysophyllum jamaicense Jacq.
Local Names : സ്വർണപത്രി, Star Apple, Milk Fruit.

Flowering Period : July to September.
Distribution : Native of West Indies
Uses: Ornamental, Fruit edible, Anti Rheumatic.
Exotic : Yes.

Trees with bark greyish to dark brownish-black; young parts golden-ferrugineous silky. Leaves simple, alternate , elliptic , margin entire, glabrous and shining above, golden-ferrugineous silky beneath, silky pubescent. Flowers bisexual, white, axillary fascicles Sepals 5, ovate. Corolla lobes 5, ovate, silky outside. Stamens 5, included; anthers extrorse. Ovary superior, silky, ovules many; style included. Fruit a berry, white to purplish-black.

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