Cassia fistula L.
Synonym: Cassia rhombifolia Roxb., Bactyrilobium fistula Wild.
Local Names : കണിക്കൊന്ന, Indian laburnum, Golden shower.

Flowering Period : February to September.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia.
Uses: Ornamental, 
Exotic : No.

Deciduous trees with surface pale when young, dark grey when old, smooth, exfoliating in hard scales. Leaves paripinnate, alternate, leaflets opposite, ovate, margin entire, pulvinate. Flowers bisexual, yellow, in axillary drooping racemes. Calyx tube short, lobes 5, ovate. Petals 5, obovate. Stamens 10, all fertile; upper 3 short with erect filaments; anthers  basifixed; lower 3 large with curved filaments, anthers dorsifixed. Ovary half inferior, ovules many; stigma punctiform. Fruit a pod 

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