Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels.
Synonym:  Metrosideros citrina Curt., Callistemon lanceolatus Smith.
Local Names : Bottle Brush Tree.

Flowering Period : Throughout the year.
Distribution : Native in East Australia
Uses: Ornamental, Hedge Plant, Firewood.
Exotic : Yes.

Trees , bark dark brown, vertically striated. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate, crowded towards the tip of branchlets, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, red, in spikes; calyx  adnate to ovary; petals 5, greenish, concave; stamens many, connate at base, up to 2 cm long; filaments red; anthers very small, versatile; ovary inferior, 3-celled, ovules many, placentation  axile; style terminal, red, upto 2 cm long; stigma simple. Fruiting calyx not much enlarged, the truncate orifice usually open.

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