Cyrtostachys renda Blume.
Synonym: Bentinckia renda (Blume) Mart.
Local Names
: ചുവന്ന പന,
Lipstick Palm, Red
palm, Sealing wax palm.
Flowering Period : Throughout the Year.
Distribution : Native of Indonesia
Uses: Ornamental.
Exotic : Yes.
clumping palm, up to 12 m tall, with characteristically bright red leaf sheaths
around the stems.. Leaves have bright red stalks and mid-ribs and are pinnate
and alternately-arranged. Each leaf consists of leaflets that are boat-shaped,
slightly grey on the underside and about 45 cm long and 4 cm wide. Crown shaft
is distinctively red in colour. Its branched flowering shoot is first green
before turning to red, with two large spathes (modified leaves). Flowers are
pollinated by bees. Its tiny one-seeded fruits are ellipsoidal in shape.