Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.
Synonym:  Robinia sepium Jacq., Gliricidia macualata (Steud.) Kunth.
Local Names : ശിമകൊന്ന, Spotted Gliricidia.

Flowering Period : March to May
Distribution : Native of South America
Uses:  Hedge plant, Green manure, Fodder, Fire wood.
Exotic : No.

Trees with grey bark, lenticellate. Leaves odd-pinnate, alternate, spiral, pulvinate, leaflets 7-21, opposite, lamina  ovate, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, rose-pink, racemes; calyx campanulate; lobes obscure; petals exserted; standard  orbicular, with 2 callosities above claw; wings oblong, auricled; keels  obovate, incurved; stamens 9+1; ovary half inferior; stigma capitate. Fruit a pod.

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