Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr.
Synonym: Diatoma brachiata Lour., Barraldeia madagascariensis Spreng.     Carallia celebica Blume., Carallia integerrima DC.
Local Names : വല്ലഭം, Fresh Water Mangrove.

Flowering Period : October to April.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia and Australia
Uses: Timber yielding.
Exotic : No.

Evergreen trees; bark  is dark grey, corky, furrowed, Leaves simple, opposite, obovate , margin entire, glabrous and glossy. Flowers bisexual, cream coloured, sessile, small, in short, trichotomous axillary branching cymes, calyx tube campanulate, valvate; petals 5-8, clawed, , reddish, inserted on a crenulate disc; stamens 10-16, inserted with them on the disc, one of each pair opposite the petal; ovary half inferior, 3-5-celled; ovules 2 in each cell; stigma 4-lobed. Fruit a drupe.

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