Amherstia nobilis wall.
Synonym : No synonyms are recorded for this name.
Local Names : ശിംശിപ വൃക്ഷം, Pride of Burma, Tree of Heaven.
Flowering Period : May to August.
Distribution : Native of Myanmar
Uses: Ornamental.
Exotic : Yes.

Amherstia nobilis are trees with bark dark brown and leaves with paripinnate, alternate arrangement; leaves are pulvinate, apex acuminate, margin entire. Flowers are bisexual, yellowish-red in colour, in drooping terminal panicles. Bracts and sepals bright red; Bracts is ovate. Calyx lobes rolled to back. Petals mixed reddish and yellow. Stamens 9, with alternately long and short filaments; anthers are dimorphic and versatile. Ovary half inferior, pubescent, style curved; stigma capitate. Fruit is a pod

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