Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.
Synonym: Mimosa saman Jacq, Samanea saman (Jacq) Merr.
Local Names: മഴമരം, ഉറക്കംതൂങ്ങി മരം, Cow Tamarind, Rain Tree.

Flowering Period : March to May.
Distribution : Native of Central and South America
Uses: ; widely planted in the tropics as avenue tree

Exotic : Yes.

Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.; a tree with bark yellowish-brown, rough, deeply fissured. Leaves bipinnate, alternate, pinnae pulvinate, 2-glands at the top of the pulvinous on the upper side and one between each pair of leaflets; margin entire. Flowers bisexual, pinkish-white, in dense heads; corolla pinkish, funnel shaped. Stamens many, Ovary superior, sessile, Stigma minute. Fruit a pod, indehiscent, slightly flattened and depressed between the seeds.

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