Azadirachta indica A.Juss.
Synonym: Melia azadirachta L., Antelaea javanica Gaertn.
Local Names:
Neem, Margosa Tree, Indian Lilac.
Flowering Period : February to September.
Distribution : Indo-Malesia
Uses: Ayurvedic, Fruit edible, firewood, antihelminth.
Exotic : No
Neem, a evergreen tree with bark
greyish-brown having verticale striations. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate,
rachis slender and swollen at base. Leaflets
are opposite; with lanceolate or falcate lamina, and serrated margin.
Flowers are bisexual, white, in axillary panicles; sepals 5, ovate, margin
ciliate; petals 5, free, white, oblong-obovate, pubescent, and imbricate.
Staminal tube glabrous; anthers 10; ovary superior, style slender, stigma
terete, 3-lobed. Fruit is a drupe.
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