Plumeria obtusa L.
Synonym: Plumeria clusioides var. parviflora (Griseb.) M. Gómez, Plumeria obtusa var. laevis Griseb.
Local Names : വെള്ളച്ചെമ്പകം, White champa, White Frangipani. 

Flowering Period : December to June.
Distribution : Central America, from Mexico to Panama
Uses:   Ornamental, 
Exotic : Yes.

 Deciduous trees, with prominent leafscars. Leaves simple, alternate spiral, clustered; lamina oblong, oblanceolate; apex obtuse or acute, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, white, in terminal corymbose stout cymes; calyx cupular; lobes 5; corolla; lobes 5, obovate, overlapping to the left, obtuse; stamens 5, attached at the base of the tube, included; ovary half inferior, globose, ovules many; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit an aggregate of 2 follicle; seeds winged.

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